Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tube Anemone 

Tube anemone

The tube anemone creates a tough leathery tube that sinks 2 feet into the sand to shield itself from predators. The tube worn is able to go down into the tube if a predator approaches and then can take the predator down the tube with it. After attacks the tube worn is able to grow back the tentacles it lost. 


Monday, May 12, 2014

POM- POM Anemone and Sea Spiders

Pom-pom anemone

The Pom-Pom Anemone is found in the Monterey Canyon. Down in the canyon you can also find sea spiders. Researcher have found out that sea spiders suck the juices out of sea anemones. Sea spiders are known as pycnogonids which suck the bodily fluids from other animals. Pom-pom anemones are large anemones that roll along the sea floor. While researchers were in the Monterey canyon they came upon sea spiders sucking the juices from the pom-pom anenomes. The anemones survived the attack of the sea spider, which means thats the could be a renewable resource for the sea spiders. Not all anemones are able to survive the attacks of these pycnogonids.

sea spider feeding on anemone

Sources: http://www.mbari.org/news/homepage/2010/seaspiders.html, http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animal-guide/invertebrates/pom-pom-anemone

Strawberry Anemone found right in Monterey Bay

What we learned

We learned a lot the past couple of weeks about various types of Anemones all over Monterey bay.
Some cool facts about Aneomones that we did not know about are:
 -They can live up to 100+ years
- Many of the Anemones are structured to protect them for their surroundings
- Anemones can be found in the depths of the ocean without sunlight

If we could do this project again, we would of found better ways to monitor some of these Anemones to prove some of the facts we discovered about them. Overall, we had a great experience learning about different Anemones and enjoyed researching them. 



Carpet Anemone 

-live on coral reefs and like to hide in the crevices or under rock just like many other anemones
-they usually range throughout Indo-Pacific Ocean and size to be about 3ft long
-their nutrients is made by algae, which lives inside their tissue and produce sugar and protein for the anemone to stay healthy
-live 100 years+
- one of these anemones may host many types of anemone fishes
-they reproduce slower than other anemones, which causes them to over collect and sadly, that threatens their survival in the wilderness under the sea
-they are actually collected for pet trade throughout the years because of this


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tides and the affect they have on Anemones

Anemones located in tides are built differently in many ways. As you can see below in the first photo this Anemone will close up when various things fall into it or next to it. Compared to the second photo, Anemones deep under have a softer outside shell. Anemones like the Giant Green have a rougher outside shell to protect them from objects or organisms from harming it. Also deep water Anemones and tide pool Anemones have different dietary necessities and that has a lot to do with the genetic built of each specie of Anemones.

Sources: http://oregontidepools.org/photogallery
Anemone Habitat Map

Urticina crassicornis habitat.jpg

This is a map of where Anemones are located. They are found along the coast. Anemones are also found in the deep ocean.